Skype download for windows 11
Skype download for windows 11

skype download for windows 11 skype download for windows 11

These Windows 11 changes all appear to be part of Microsoft's continued push to move Skype users onto Teams. This has since been confirmed during the Windows 11 event. The leaked build of Windows 11 also revealed the Meet Now feature, which gives Windows 10 users easy access to Skype's video conferencing tools, was getting scraped. After all, Microsoft Teams will be ready and waiting for you as soon as you've installed the software. Of course, it will still be possible to download Skype from the Microsoft Store, but it's an extra barrier that the Windows makers have put up for those that prefer to use Skype over Teams. As reported by Windows Latest, a leaked build of Windows 11 showed Skype will no longer be preinstalled with the OS.

Skype download for windows 11