Galaxy Control free
Galaxy Control free

Galaxy Control free

To get this ship, you'll need to select the Kid Stuff trait during character creation. Follow this thread all the way to the "Echoes of the Past" storyline and you'll get this silly ship as a prize. The UC Prison Shuttle is a starship you'll come into possession of as part of the Crimson Fleet questline, which will begin the first time you get caught committing a crime in UC controlled space (like New Atlantis). In our experience, if you want the Kepler R you should:

Galaxy Control free

Your decisions as a part of this sidequest will determine which version you receive, but the game doesn't make it all that clear how your reward is determined. You can begin this sidequest once you've completed the " High Price to Pay" main story mission and speaking with Walter Stroud afterwards. Which one you pursue will depend on your personal preference, but you can think of the R as a space tank and the S as a sports car and decide from there. Kepler R is a Class C ship that's much bigger and has tons of weapon slots, while Kepler S is sleeker and more efficiently designed. The Kepler R and Kepler S are both starships that can be awarded at the conclusion of the "Over Designed" sidequest. You probably won't want to continue on with Frontier as your home ship for long, but it's honestly not a bad starting ship, considering how easy it is to acquire.

Galaxy Control free

Frontier is the first ship you'll be gifted in Starfield after completing the tutorial mission and meeting Barrett and beginning your adventure into the stars.

Galaxy Control free